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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Lego Racers 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-06-21 12:25:40 Views : 39558 Shunting If another racer is just in front of your car, it is possible to knock them into a spin. Try bumping one of the corners of their car. Pit-Lanes Do not forget to use the Pit-Lanes to repair your vehicle when you are in a race. This is very important when you are racing on Mars and Xalax where your car can get damaged a lot. Better control While you are in the air, do not move the steering -- when you land you will go into a spin. It is best to tap the steering when you land to regain control. When you take corners, tap the steering as you navigate the corner. If you hold [Left] or [Right], the car may spin (especially on the Arctic tracks). Quick start At the beginning of a race, you can avoid being pushed around by other racers using a turbo start. It can give you an extra bit of distance between you and the other racers. Press [Accelerate] at just the right time. Learn how to judge when the lights will change to green at the beginning of the race - try counting and with practice you will get it. Create an 18 wheeler Go to "Build" and place four black or gray pieces then a two or three piece in the same colors. Add a big or small four square piece that is black. Note: You should also create someone who looks like a truck driver. Vehicle add-ons Vehicle add-ons are won by completing bonus games and beating Bosses. Power is nothing without control, so do not get too many Power add-ons without getting Grip add-ons. Brick Boost power-up Use the Brick Boost to gain speed at essential times in a race. The Brick Boost can also be used to correct yourself if you are going into a spin. Also, if you use a ramp or a jump, hold down [Brick Boost] as you land and to speed off without bouncing along and losing speed. If it is a close race you may want to save your Brick Boost for the last lap, where a sudden surge of speed could win the race for you. The Berg In the Arctic, you will be challenged by the Berg, a large ice monster who does not even need a car. Like Riegel, he cannot pick up weapons, nor is he affected by them. The Berg can create giant ice stalagmites behind him, though -- drive carefully. If you defeat him, he will give you super-grip wheels. Reigel On Mars, you will race against Riegel, the head Martian. He drives a giant mech with amazing shields. He cannot be hurt by power-ups, but he cannot pick them up. This race is about pure speed. If you defeat him, Riegel will give you a Martian shield generator to make your car tougher. Rocket Racer track (Xalax, Grand Finale) It is best to avoid the ramps as you can lose speed and control when you land. It is better to weave in and out of all the ramps and barriers, keeping up a constant speed. Sam Sinister On Dino Island, you will meet Sam Sinister. He will use all the power-ups, but he can also be hurt by your power-ups. If you defeat him, he will give you a much better engine that will increase your speed. The easiest way to defeat Sam Sinister is to destroy his car. Do not do this when he is near a Pit-Lane. Also try knocking him off the large spiral. The Berg's track: Shortcut When you race The Berg, look out for the hidden shortcuts on the track. One is hidden in the cave. Wide-angle mode Pause game play then press [Left] [Left] [Left] [Right] [Right] [Right] [Up] [Up] [Up] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Right] [Right] [Right]. Mars track(s) Pause game play then press [Left] [Left] [Right] [Right] [Left] [Left] [Right] [Right] [Down] [Left] [Right]. Rigels track: Shortcut There is a shortcut where the tunnel full of water is located. When you enter, there is a waterfall to your left. Go through it and you will be close to first. Note: If you are going through it for the first time you will find a Gold Brick. Play as a Martian Press [Right] [Left] [Right] [Up] [Down] [Left] [Right] [Up] [Up] at the main menu (front end). Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Lego Racers 2 cheat codes.
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